Sunday, 17 February 2013

Cooked Potato Salad with bacon


3-5 Big potatos (depending on the amount of people being served)

Half a finely chopped onion

Chunky cubes bits of bacon (you can buy these
from most super markets)

A stem of rosemary and other herbs


  1. Add around 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to a non-stick frying pan
  2. Turn heat on low for now
  3. cut up the potatos around a thumb size big
  4. put potatos, onion, bacon, and Herbs into the Pan
  5. Fry until the potatos are golden
Sorry about the photo, I am just playing with the Nikon


  1. mmmmm this sounds delicious
    keep up the good work and please post some finger foods i can make easily
    thanxx jordan
